
Do Chickens Bury Their Eggs?

Chickens are fascinating creatures that have been with us for ages. We have kept them around mainly for their eggs, which are a regular part of our meals. But here is a curious question, do chickens bury their eggs? The answer is yes, sometimes they do.

 Chickens bury and hide their eggs for various reasons, such as to mark their territory, feel safer in a specific area, or because they see other chickens lying in a different spot. In this article, we will explore the reasons why chickens bury their eggs and how to stop them from doing so.

Do Chickens Bury Their Eggs?

Chickens are interesting creatures with a variety of behaviors. One such behavior is the act of hiding their eggs. They do this to shield their eggs from threats like predators. When a chicken gives an egg, it usually hides the egg in the soil for its safety. This ensures the egg remains secure until it’s time for it to hatch.

Another reason chickens hide their eggs is to maintain their warmth. For an egg to grow properly, it needs to stay at a certain warmth. If the eggs become too cold, they won’t grow as they should and might not hatch. By hiding their eggs, chickens make sure they stay warm and grow correctly. This is crucial for the baby chicks to survive.

Reasons Why Do Chickens Burry Their Eggs?

Some reasons why chickens bury their eggs are listed below

Nesting Box Shortage

Chickens need their own clean boxes, called nesting boxes, to lay eggs. If there aren’t enough boxes, they get upset and lay fewer eggs. They might even hide their eggs somewhere else. So, providing enough clean nesting boxes is important to keep the chickens happy and productive.

Shortage of Nesting Spaces

Chickens need enough nest boxes to lay eggs. If there’s a shortage, they hide eggs elsewhere, making it hard to find them. Having one box for every 4-5 chickens prevents this. It keeps the coop clean and makes egg collection easier. The more nest boxes there are, the more likely the chickens will use them and not hide their eggs. This makes it easier to collect the eggs and keeps the coop clean.

Chickens need enough nest boxes to lay eggs

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Cleanliness Issues

Keeping chicken nests clean is very important. Clean nests keep the chickens and their eggs safe. If nests are dirty, they can have bugs and germs that can make the chickens and eggs sick. So, we should clean the nests often.  Clean nests are important for chickens and eggs. Dirty nests can make them sick. So, we should clean nests often and well. This helps keep chickens and eggs healthy.

Benefits of Cleaning  Nest Boxes Regularly

Clean nest boxes make chickens happy and healthy. They lay good eggs in clean boxes. Clean boxes stop chickens from getting sick and keep eggs safe. Chickens enjoy clean boxes and can lay eggs better. Clean boxes also protect hens and their babies from diseases or bugs. So, cleaning nest boxes helps chickens lay healthy eggs and stay well.

Maintaining Cleanliness

Maintaining Cleanliness is very important for people who have chickens. This helps keep the eggs safe and healthy. Cleaning stops germs from spreading and getting into the eggs.  We should clean the places where the chickens lay eggs often. This gets rid of dirt, rubbish, and chicken poop, making a tidy, safe place for the chickens and their eggs. 

Here are some easy steps to keep your chicken’s nesting boxes clean and fresh:

  1. Keep the boxes super clean so that germs do not grow.
  2. Clean them often.
  3. Use a natural product to protect your chickens from harmful bacteria and keep them laying healthy eggs.
  4. To make your chickens comfortable, give them warm and cozy nests that feel like a gentle hug. By making the coop warm, you can create a nice environment for them.

Temperature Preference

Chickens like to lay their eggs in warm places. The warmth helps the baby chicks inside the eggs grow and hatch. If it’s too cold or too hot, the chicks might not make it.

Here are some things that help chickens find the right warmth:

  • Warm Places: Chickens like to lay eggs where it’s warm.
  • Insulation: Chicken houses need to be well-insulated to keep them warm.
  • Soft Bedding: The right kind of bedding can help keep the nest warm.
  • Extra Heat: In cold places or times, we might need to add some heat.
  • Ventilation: Good airflow is important so it doesn’t get too hot.
  • Outside Temperature: Chickens might choose their nests based on how warm or cold it is outside.

Chickens like moderate temperatures, not too cold or hot. To lay eggs well, they need steady warmth in their nests.

Chickens like Warm Places

Chickens enjoy cozy spots. They cuddle their eggs in warm places to help them grow. Cozy corners in their home or boxes are perfect because warmth makes eggs hatch. Chickens are creatures that need warmth.  They also sit on their eggs to keep them toasty. This helps the eggs develop well. 

It is amazing how chickens take care of their eggs with so much love. If you have chickens, make sure they have a warm place for laying eggs. Keeping chickens and their eggs warm means covering their home to hold in heat.

Coop Insulation for Happy Chickens

Wrap the chicken coop with foam boards and blankets on walls, ceiling, and floor to keep it warm. Seal any holes or cracks to stop drafts. Make sure the coop has vents or windows for fresh air, but place it where it gets sunlight in winter for extra warmth.

Use straw and wood chips on the floor and in nesting boxes for a cozy bed. Keep the coop clean and dry to protect the chickens and their eggs. This care helps chickens feel safe and lay eggs in the right spot. A warm and comfy coop makes happy chickens and healthy eggs.

Broody Hens Want To Be Cozy And Alone

When hens feel like hatching their eggs, they need a quiet, safe spot. They like to do things their own way, which helps them take care of their eggs better. They also like their privacy and feeling happy. To be friends with our chickens, we should know what they like and help them.

Hens Like Hidden Spots for Their Nests

Hens that want to hatch eggs love to live in a cozy spot. They like places like nesting boxes where they can hide. We should keep them in a peaceful place and safe from any animals that might bother them. This way, they can lay their eggs without worry.

Why Do Chickens Burry Their Eggs

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Defending Chickens from Harmful Predators

Wild chickens like to hide their nests and eggs. They find quiet places where snakes, rats, and other animals cannot see them. This keeps them and their eggs safe. They also hide their eggs so that predators cannot smell them. This is how they act by nature.

The Hidden Truth: Uncovering the Causes of Egg Hiding

Why do chickens hide their eggs? Let’s look at some reasons. They want to keep their eggs safe from animals that might eat them, so wild chickens dig holes and put their eggs inside. Hens that want to hatch their eggs also look for quiet places to nest. Chickens like to lay eggs where it is warm

Dirty nests or not enough nests can make chickens hide their eggs, too. To live well with chickens, give them good nests, keep them clean, make them warm, and protect them from danger. This will help them lay eggs better.

Chickens Bury Their Eggs: The Hidden Truth

Sometimes, chickens choose tricky spots in the backyard to lay their eggs. If you notice your chicken acting differently, like hanging out in the same spot a lot, she might be keeping her eggs there. It’s okay; chickens do this.

To see if your chicken is hiding eggs, look where she likes to be the most. She probably thinks it’s a cozy spot for her eggs. You might even find a little nest she made out of straw or grass. You can also tell if your chicken is hiding eggs by watching how she acts when you get close to her.

The Surprising Benefits of Burying Eggs

Chickens hide their eggs in the ground for many reasons. They do this to keep their eggs away from animals that might want to eat them. This helps more eggs turn into baby chicks. Soil provides an ideal environment for eggs, as it maintains their warmth. Additionally, it offers chickens a safe location to incubate their eggs, ensuring the eggs remain warm.

The Optimal Temperature Range for Incubating Eggs

The optimal temperature range for incubating eggs is crucial for the healthy development of chicken-fertilized eggs. Factors affecting this temperature include the chicken’s body heat, the nest’s location, and the nesting materials used. 

To ensure ideal conditions, chicken keepers should provide nesting boxes with adequate insulation, place them in locations with stable temperatures, and regularly refresh the nesting materials.  This approach helps maintain the perfect warmth for egg incubation, promoting strong growth and preventing chickens from seeking alternative nesting sites.

Chickens Bury Their Eggs

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Tips to Stop Chickens from Hiding Eggs

  • More Boxes: One box for every 4-5 chickens. This gives everyone a cozy spot to lay eggs.
  • Clean and Quiet: Keep the chicken area clean and peaceful. Chickens like their privacy and a calm place.
  • Wooden Eggs: Put wooden eggs in nests to trick chickens into thinking it’s a good spot to lay eggs.
  • Understand Chickens: Learn what chickens like such as safe, cozy places. This helps us make better nests for them.

Why Wooden Eggs?

Follow the Leader: Chickens like to lay eggs where they see others have laid eggs, even if they’re wooden.

Solving Hidden Egg Problems

  • Space: Enough room for all chickens.
  • Safety: Keep it calm and predator-free.
  • Cleanliness: Regular cleaning encourages chickens to use the nests.

Finding Secret Nests:

  • Be a Detective: Watch where chickens go and look for hidden eggs.
  • Switch Up Nests: Move the wooden eggs around to encourage laying in the right places.
  • Keep Checking: Always be on the lookout for eggs outside the main nesting areas.

Follow these simple steps to keep chickens laying eggs where you can easily find them.


Chickens have a habit of hiding their eggs, which is often asked “Do chickens bury their eggs?” This is a way to protect them from harm and changes in weather. But, this can make it tricky for farmers to collect the eggs. If farmers understand why chickens do this, they can find ways to make chickens lay eggs in places that are easy to reach.

 This essay has looked into this behavior of chickens, how it impacts both the chickens and the farmers, and how it can be managed so it’s good for everyone.

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Do hens hide eggs?

Yes, hens can hide their eggs, often due to reasons such as a shortage of nesting boxes, temperature changes, broodiness, or their free-ranging behavior.

Will a chicken lay an egg on the ground?

Yes, chickens may lay eggs on the ground when there’s a lack of nesting space, during temperature shifts, or as new layers adapt to egg-laying.

Why do chickens bury their eggs?

Chickens bury their eggs to safeguard them from predators, establish territory, and ensure a secure incubation environment.

What type of bedding material is recommended for chicken nesting boxes?

Straw, hemp, or aspen pads are recommended bedding materials for chicken nesting boxes.

How can I prevent red mites in chicken nesting boxes?

To prevent red mites in chicken nesting boxes, apply Diatomaceous Earth powder inside the boxes and around the chicken coop.

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