
Do Chickens Blink?

Have you ever wondered about do chickens blink? If you have, you are not alone. Many people are curious about the eye anatomy and behavior of these fascinating birds. In this blog post, we will explore the question: Do chickens blink? We will also learn some interesting facts about their vision, their eyelids, and their sleeping habits. 

By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of how chickens see the world and why they don’t need to blink like we do.

chickens don't blink
photo by Unsplash

Do Chickens Blink?

People think chickens blink, but they are wrong. Chickens have no eyelids, so they cannot blink. Blinking means closing and opening your eyes fast. Chickens do not blink because they do not close and open their eyelids fast. We blink to clean our eyes and keep them safe from dust and other things. We also blink to spread wet and oily stuff over our eyes.

Chickens have another way to clean and protect their eyes. They do not need to blink. Chickens have a special skin on their eye, called a nictitating membrane. This skin covers the eye when it is dry or dirty and also keeps it safe from harm.

Why Chickens Don’t Blink

People often wonder: why do chickens not blink? Chickens have three eyelids. The one that is closest to the eye is always closed which is known as the nictitating membrane. This eyelid helps chickens blink all the time to keep their eyes wet and safe. But because of this eyelid, chickens can also stay without blinking for a long time.

Why Chickens Don't Blink
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Three Eyelids? Chickens’ Eye-Opening Secret

Chickens have three eyelids. The third eyelid is called a nictitating membrane. It helps keep their eyes safe from dirt and other things.  You can see the third eyelid when the chicken closes its eyes. It is clear like glass. When the chicken sleeps, the third eyelid covers the whole eye. It helps keep the eye wet and safe.

The Anatomy of a Chicken’s Eye

Chickens have an extra eyelid that you can see through. It is called a translucent nictitating membrane. Many birds and some other animals like cats also have this extra eyelid. They use it to clean their eyes, just like we use our eyelids. The extra eyelid stays hidden in the corner of their eye when they don’t need it. When they want to clean their eye, it quickly comes out and wipes the eye. Then it goes back to the corner.

We should not forget that chickens cannot use their fingers or hands to clean their eyes. They need something better than eyelids to do that. That is why they have an extra eyelid.

The Anatomy of a Chicken's Eye
photo by Unsplash

How Chickens See the World Differently with Each Eye

Chickens can see in two different ways: monocular and binocular. Monocular means one eye sees one thing and the other eye sees another thing. Binocular means both eyes see the same thing. Chickens have eyes on the sides of their head, so they can see a lot of things around them, but only a little bit of that is binocular. 

Binoculars help chickens see how far and deep things are, while monoculars help them find enemies and other chickens. Chickens can also see more colors than humans because they have four kinds of color cells in their eyes.

Exploring the Challenges of Chicken Vision in the Dark

Chickens cannot see much when it is dark. They use their eyes to stay away from enemies and look for food. But their eyes do not work well in the dark. So, enemies can attack chickens easily at night. Chickens also cannot find food in the dark, which can make them very hungry if they do not get extra food at night.

Do Chickens Have Eyelids?

Many people have chickens on their farms, but they don’t know much about them. For example, do you know if chickens have eyelids? Chickens have eyelids, but they are different from human eyelids. Humans blink their eyelids to keep their eyes clean and wet. Chickens don’t need to blink their eyes for that, because they have another eyelid that does it for them.

This other eyelid is called a nictitating membrane and you can find it in the corner of the chicken’s eye. It cleans the eye and makes it wet. It is clear, so you may not see it if you don’t look closely. So, do chickens have eyelids? Yes, they do! But they are not like ours.

Do Chickens Close Their Eyes When They Sleep?

Chickens can do something very interesting: they can sleep and stay awake at the same time. Each eye of a chicken has a different part of the brain to control it. The left side of the brain controls the right eye. The right side of the brain controls the left eye. This means they can use each eye separately. Sometimes, you may see a chicken with one eye closed and one eye open. They are doing this to rest and also to look around.

They do this to watch out for danger in the wild. When chickens sleep on a roost, the strongest chicken sleeps in the middle with both eyes closed. They sleep very well. The chickens on the sides of the roost have one eye open. They look for danger.

A chicken has a third eyelid that covers their eye. When they close their eye, it is mostly their lower eyelid that moves.

Do chickens have eyelashes
photo by Unsplash

Can chickens close their eyes?

You can find chickens on many farms. They have a beak and feathers. But did you know they can close their eyes? Chickens have three parts that cover their eyes. One part is on top, one part is on the bottom, and one part is in the middle. The middle part is clear and keeps dirt away from the eye.

The top and bottom parts make the chicken blink and wet the eye. Chickens close their eyes when they sleep or when they need to hide their eyes from bright light or scary animals.

Do chickens have eyelashes?

Chickens are not like us. They do not have eyelashes on their eyes. But they can see very well. A thin skin covers their eyes, It is called a third eyelid or nictitating membrane. It helps them keep their eyes clean and wet. It also protects their eyes from the sun and dust.

The Eye-Closing Behavior of Chickens

Chickens are fun to watch. They like to be with other chickens and people. You can see if a chicken likes you by petting it. If it closes its eyes, it means it is very happy and likes the feeling. When you are with your chickens outside, try to pet one of them. If it closes its eyes, you have a new friend.


We can move our top and bottom eyelids. Chickens cannot do that. They have a different eyelid that cleans their eyes. Chickens never close their eyes. You need to know this if you want to take good care of them. Chickens do not blink like we do. They do not need to blink either. Owners must give chickens what they need, and one thing they need is clean and healthy eyes.

Did you like this article? You can learn more about chickens by reading do chickens bury their eggs?


How do chickens sleep?

Chickens sleep in different positions, but the most common and natural one is perched on a roost, which mimics a tree branch.

How good is a chicken’s eyesight?

Chickens have excellent eyesight that allows them to see more colors, detect fine movements, and have a wider field of view than humans.

How do I care for my chicken’s eyes?

To care for your chicken’s eyes, you should clean them with a sterile saline solution or an antiseptic eye gel, and remove any pus or debris that may cause infection or irritation.


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