
Can Chickens Eat Chicken

Dinner has just finished, and everyone is full and happy. Now, you clear the table, and the remaining food, like potatoes or green beans, will be given to the chickens to eat. You may wonder while holding a piece of chicken, can chickens eat chicken?

Chickens can eat anything they find, including other chickens. They will enjoy this opportunity to eat chicken. Many people may wonder about this behavior of chickens, but indeed, they do eat chicken.

In this article, we will discuss whether eating chicken is beneficial or harmful for chickens.

Can Chickens Eat Chicken?

Chickens are not picky eaters; they will eat anything, including meat from other chickens. Some people think it’s good to feed meat to chickens. However, giving meat to chickens could be harmful to them. They could contract diseases like bird flu or salmonella. 

If you want to give meat to your chickens, it should be well-cooked because cooked meat has fewer germs and is safer for chickens to eat. Never feed them uncooked meat, as it could cause health problems for chickens. Always talk to a veterinarian about your chickens’ diet.

can you feed chicken to a chicken

photo by Unsplash

Can you feed chicken to chickens?

Chickens require foods that are rich in protein. They can obtain protein from other birds, animals, and insects. They can also get protein from the meat of chickens. Additionally, chickens need fruits and vegetables to stay active and healthy. Therefore, we can feed chicken meat to chickens to fulfill their protein needs and maintain their health.

Benefits  of Feeding Chicken to Chickens

Feeding chicken to your chickens can be really beneficial for them. Here is a list of some of them.

  • Protein Powerhouse: Chicken meat is like a protein-packed snack for your chickens. It helps them grow up strong and healthy.
  • Egg-cellent for Hens: More protein is super important for hens that are laying eggs. It ensures their chicks will be healthy and strong.
  • Methionine Magic: This nutrient in chickens boosts their immune system, so they’re more energetic and less likely to get sick.
  • Straight from the Source: By eating chicken, your chickens get methionine directly, which is better than the synthetic kind in grain feed.
  • Choosing the Right Chicken: Always choose healthy, low-fat meat for your chickens to eat. Fat could be harmful to their health, so it’s best to go for leaner chicken cuts.
  • Vet’s Advice: Always contact your vet before introducing any new diet to your chickens to keep them healthy and active.
  • Bones are No Issue: Chickens only like to eat meat, not bones, so there’s no need to worry about them.
  • Keep it Cooked: Cooked chicken is always a good option to feed your chickens because it helps keep them healthy and free from diseases.
  • Saving Some Cash: Sometimes we have extra chicken at home, and we can feed that to our pet chickens. This way, we don’t have to buy any special protein feed for them. Chickens can enjoy a nutritious treat, and we can save some cash as well.

The Drawbacks of Feeding Chicken Meat to Chickens

Feeding chicken meat to chickens can be beneficial for their health, but it also has some drawbacks. Some of these are listed below:

Can Promote Cannibalistic Behavior: Feeding chicken meat to chickens is beneficial because it contains protein. However, this habit could be dangerous as they may develop a preference for chicken meat, potentially becoming aggressive and harming other chickens. This behavior could lead to cannibalism.

Chicken Meat Could Cause Diseases: Feeding chicken meat to chickens is generally good for their health. However, it can sometimes be harmful. They can contract diseases like avian influenza, which can be fatal. Always feed cooked meat to chickens to avoid any health problems.

It Just Feels Weird to Some: Many people find it weird to feed chicken meat to chickens. While there is no harm in doing so, it can sometimes feel a bit strange.

Never Feed Old or Spoiled Meat: Old or spoiled meat has bacteria that can cause health problems for chickens. Feeding them old or spoiled chicken meat is dangerous, so never do it.

do chickens eat chicken

photo by Unsplash

Why Do Chickens Eat Other Chickens?

Are chickens eating chicken meat? Yes, it’s true and might sound odd, but it’s not something new. It’s been happening for a long time. Here are some reasons behind this behavior of chickens.

When Chickens Get Stressed: If chickens live in a crowded place without enough space to move freely, they can get stressed. This stress can lead to chickens hurting each other. They might peck at other chickens, which can lead to them eating the meat of other chickens.

Not Enough Good Food: Chickens enjoy eating bugs, worms, and small animals to fulfill their protein needs. If they don’t get enough protein in their diet and feel hungry, they might harm other chickens or even peck at them to eat their meat. Whenever this happens, always take precautions to prevent chickens from harming each other. 

To prevent chickens from hurting each other by pecking, it’s important to watch them closely. Make sure they have enough room, tasty food, and clean water. This will help them stay well and active. Keep an eye on them for signs of stress or aggression towards other chickens.

Address these issues right from the start. Take all necessary steps to prevent your chickens from attacking others early on. By doing this, you can protect your chickens from harm.

Is It OK to Feed Chicken Meat?

Chickens can eat almost anything they find. They enjoy eating bugs, worms, and small animals like frogs and mice. They’re also fans of plants and vegetables. Chickens need protein in their diet to stay healthy, and active, and to lay more eggs. So, meat can be a good option because it is packed with protein. 

Just remember, never feed them raw meat; it could contain germs that can cause health issues in chickens. Cooked meat is always the best choice for them. Chickens don’t like bones and fat; these are hard for them to digest. Always feed them cooked meat along with fresh veggies, fruits, and grains. This mix of food will keep your chickens healthy and active.

Can Chickens Eat Chicken:

Chickens can eat pretty much anything, so if you’re thinking about feeding them chicken meat, it’s perfectly fine to do so. While some might find it a bit odd to feed chickens their own kind, there is really no harm in it. Just make sure the meat is clean and doesn’t contain any germs that could cause health issues for your chickens.

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In conclusion, can chickens eat chicken? Yes, they can because it provides protein which is beneficial for the chickens’ health but could also promote cannibalistic behavior. Raw chicken may cause diseases, so only feed clean, well-cooked chicken to prevent health problems in chickens.


Do chickens eat meat?

Chickens, being omnivores, can eat a variety of foods; thus, they can safely consume meat to stay healthy and active.

Should chickens eat chicken meat?

Chickens can consume chicken meat, but it should be clean and free of germs before being given to them to prevent disease transmission.

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