
Can Squirrels Eat Watermelon

Squirrels are omnivores, which means they can eat a variety of things they find, such as fruits, seeds, and even meat. You might be curious, can squirrels eat watermelon? Just because they can eat many things doesn’t mean everything is beneficial for their health. So, is watermelon good for them too?

 Yes, squirrels can enjoy watermelon, watermelons are like a protein-packed snack for squirrels. And guess what? Watermelons are full of good stuff that squirrels love and are healthy for them too. But it should be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

In our article, we are going to dive into how watermelon is a yummy and nutritious treat for these adorable critters. 

Can Squirrels Eat Watermelon?

Squirrels will eat every part of a watermelon. If a watermelon is clean and free of pesticides, it can be beneficial for a squirrel’s health. This is because an unclean watermelon may contain harmful substances. 

Watermelons contain proteins which are good for a squirrel’s health. Watermelon is a favorite food in summer, but many enjoy it in all seasons. If you want to feed them watermelon, do so in moderation to ensure they stay active and healthy.

do squirrels eat watermelon

photo by Unsplash

What Is Watermelon?

Watermelon is a yummy fruit that doesn’t have many calories, and it’s part of a big plant family called Cucurbitaceae. There are five cool kinds of watermelon you can find:


  • Orange – Just like the colour
  • Yellow – Bright and sunny
  • Mini – Cute and small
  • Seedless – No seeds to spit out
  • Seeded – The classic one with seeds

All of these are super tasty and even squirrels love them.

Nutritional Information

A cup of watermelon slices ( about 154g) contains:

  • Calories: Only 46.2, which is not much at all.
  • Protein: A tiny bit, 0.9 grams.
  • Dietary Fiber: Helpful for tummy, 0.6 grams.
  • Sugars: Sweetness comes from 9.5 grams of sugar.
  • Omega-6 Fatty Acids: Healthy fats, 77 grams.
  • Vitamin A: Good for eyes, 876 IU.
  • Vitamin C: For good health, 12.5 milligrams.
  • Vitamin K: Just a pinch, 0.2 mcg.
  • Pantothenic Acid: Fancy name for vitamin B5, 0.3 mg.
  • Calcium: For strong bones, 10.8 mg.
  • Iron: For energy, 0.4 mg.
  • Potassium: Good for the heart, 173 mg.
  • Sodium: Just a sprinkle, 1.5 mg.
  • Copper: Important for the body, 0.1 mg.
  • Fluoride: For healthy teeth, 2.3 mcg.
  • Betaine: Helpful for cells, 0.5 mg.
  • Selenium: A helper mineral, 0.6 mcg.
  • Water: Lots of it, 141 grams to keep squirrels hydrated.
  • Zinc: Another helper, 0.2 mg.
  • Phosphorus: Works with calcium for your bones, 16.9 mg.

So, watermelon is not just delicious; it is packed with good stuff that helps squirrels stay healthy and happy.

Health Benefits of Watermelon For Squirrels

Watermelons offer numerous benefits for a squirrel’s health; some of them are listed below:

Water: Water is crucial for squirrels to stay hydrated. Watermelon is delicious and extremely juicy, containing about 92% water. This keeps squirrels content and hydrated throughout the day. Even when they eat watermelon, squirrels still need access to fresh water.

Calories: Watermelon is low in calories, which is beneficial for a squirrel’s health. It’s a very light food option.

Vitamins: Watermelon is full of vitamins such as A, B, C, D, E, B6, and B12. These vitamins aid squirrels in developing strong bones, teeth, and muscles. Vitamin D is especially important for this. Vitamin K is necessary for healing cuts and maintaining strong bones, while Vitamin C is excellent for blood vessels and also helps prevent germs.

Minerals: Watermelon contains minerals like copper, zinc, phosphorus, and potassium, which keep squirrels healthy and active. For instance, phosphorus helps them utilize the energy from their food and keeps their cells functioning well.

Watermelon is not just a delicious treat; it also includes many nutrients that are essential for a squirrel’s health.

Is Watermelon a Healthy Treat for Squirrels?

Squirrels not only enjoy watermelon, but they also love to eat it. It is full of water and has little salt, making it a yummy and refreshing food for squirrels. Watermelon also contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for a squirrel’s health.

What Parts of The Watermelon Can Squirrels Eat?

Watermelon is a healthy and delicious food. Squirrels enjoy eating every part of the watermelon. They find some parts of the watermelon tastier and healthier, which are given below:

Rind (the hard green part): It contains fiber and potassium, which help squirrels maintain their health. This part can be nutritious for squirrels, but it’s not their favorite.

Flesh (the juicy red part): The flesh is the red, juicy part that is super tasty and completely safe for them. Squirrels love to eat this part; it’s their favorite.

Seeds: Watermelon seeds are full of protein, fats, and minerals. These seeds don’t contain cyanide and are totally safe. Squirrels enjoy eating watermelon seeds, which are beneficial for their health.

When squirrels eat watermelon, they mostly like to eat the flesh (the juicy part), but they can eat any part of the watermelon without any harm.

Can Squirrels Eat The Leaves of a Watermelon Plant?

Green leaves and twisty vines are a safe snack for squirrels. Many people spray their plants with pesticides to keep bugs away, which can be harmful. Even organic plants might contain some natural pesticides. If watermelons are clean and have no pesticides, then squirrels may eat them; otherwise, it could be harmful to their health.

do squirrels like watermelon

photo by Unsplash

How to Feed Squirrels Watermelon

Here is a guide on how to feed watermelons to squirrels:

  • Clean the Watermelon: First, clean the watermelon to remove any dust and wash it well to get rid of pesticides. Give the watermelon a good rinse to wash away any unwanted residues.
  • Slice It Up: Cut the watermelon into small pieces with a sharp knife, then make small cubes or balls of the red, yummy flesh.
  • Feeding Time: Put these cubes of yummy flesh in a bowl and feed them to the squirrels.
  • Wait and Watch: Now, let the squirrels eat. Watermelon can attract bees and other bugs, so don’t leave them out for a long time to avoid germs.
  • Treat, Not Feast: Watermelon is just a treat, not a meal for squirrels. Always feed them watermelon in moderation.

Enjoy your time feeding those cute little animals.

Can Baby Squirrels Eat Watermelon?

Nope, baby squirrels should not have watermelon. Little ones need their mother’s milk or special baby squirrel feed because it has the right nutrition for them. Baby squirrels can’t digest hard food; they need soft foods like broccoli, sweet potatoes, and other nutritious foods. 

Don’t feed any sugary food to baby squirrels because it’s not healthy for them. You can feed them sugary food after they turn one.

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Can squirrels eat watermelon? Yes, they can because watermelon contains protein that provides hydration and essential nutrients. However, it should be given in moderation as part of a balanced diet. 

All parts of the watermelon are safe for squirrels, but they prefer the flesh. Always ensure the watermelon is clean and free of pesticides before feeding it to squirrels.


Can Squirrels Eat Rotten Watermelon?

Never give any rotten watermelon to squirrels. Rotten watermelon could have mold, which can make squirrels unhealthy and cause respiratory issues.

Do squirrels enjoy watermelon?

Squirrels enjoy watermelon as their yummy food because of its good taste. It keeps squirrels hydrated and provides healthy nutrients.

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