
Can Squirrels Eat Bread Crumbs?

Squirrels are cute, fluffy animals that like to visit our backyards. They eat all sorts of things because they are omnivores, which means they can eat both plants and meat. Now, you might be wondering, can squirrels eat bread crumbs? Yes, they can, but it’s not the best food for them.

Bread is something people eat a lot. It’s made by mixing flour, water, and yeast. Sometimes, people also add sugar, salt, and oil to it. Bread can be soft or hard, white or brown, and can taste different depending on what’s added to it. Now, the question is, can squirrels eat bread too?

This article will explore whether bread is good for squirrels and provide accurate information on this topic.

Can Squirrels Eat Bread Crumbs?

Squirrels can eat little bits of bread sometimes, but not all the time. Bread doesn’t have the important stuff that squirrels need to stay healthy and strong. If they eat a lot of bread, it can make them sick.

A moderate amount of bread crumbs is not harmful to squirrels, but it should not be their main diet. They also need a variety of nutritious foods to stay healthy.

Squirrels and Bread: A Mismatched Diet

Squirrels like to eat bread crumbs, even though it’s not their most favourite food. Bread crumbs give them energy, and they’ll eat almost anything. But squirrels really prefer nuts, vegetables, seeds, and fruit. If you throw dog food in your yard, they’ll eat that too. And if squirrels can get into your home or business, they’ll eat any crumbs you leave behind.

To maintain squirrel health, avoid feeding them bread. Bread contains cellulose, a substance that squirrels find difficult to digest.

Do Squirrels Like Bread Crumbs?

Squirrels like bread crumbs and they can find them anywhere. They eat them for energy. But, they also eat other things like nuts, vegetables, seeds, and fruits. They even eat dog food and things people throw away. If they find bread crumbs in your house or shop, they will eat them. They are always looking for food.

Do Squirrels Like Bread Crumbs

photo by Unsplash 

Bread Crumbs And Malnutrition:

While squirrels may be attracted to bread crumbs, these are not an optimal food source for them. Bread crumbs, often high in sugar and low in essential nutrients, fail to provide a balanced diet. They lack sufficient protein, which is crucial for the growth and repair of body tissues. 

Therefore, while squirrels may eat bread crumbs when available, it is not recommended to eat this food regularly for their health and well-being. Instead, a diet rich in nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables would be more beneficial for them.

Squirrels Eat Bread Crumbs For Energy.

Squirrels are small creatures with long, bushy tails. They really enjoy eating nuts and seeds. But guess what? If they can’t find any, squirrels will eat bread. Bread has carbs. Carbs are like fuel for squirrels, helping them run quickly and jump high. Squirrels like their bread to be slightly brown and crunchy. They don’t really like soft white bread because it might not taste very good to them.

Bread Crumbs: A Squirrel’s Entertainment

Squirrels really like eating bread crumbs. But, we shouldn’t give them too much because it’s not healthy for them. Even though they seem happy and eat a lot when they get bread crumbs, it’s not the best food for them.

If you have squirrels near your home, you can feed them bread crumbs sometimes. But do not feed them too often. Squirrels may forget how to find their own food. They might start thinking that people will always give them food. This could make them upset with other people or animals.

Also, be careful when you give bread crumbs to squirrels. Other bugs and animals might come to eat the crumbs, too. These creatures could carry diseases that could make you or your pet sick.

Beware of Overfeeding Bread Crumbs to Squirrels

Squirrels enjoy bread crumbs but should consume them sparingly to avoid illness. They can get very sick if they eat too much. Sick squirrels may eat more bread crumbs. They may have parasites or infections.

Bread crumbs are soft and easy for squirrels to eat. But they have too many carbs and fiber. These are bad for their stomachs. Too much fiber can make waste pile up in their stomachs. This can hurt them.

How Cellulose in Bread Makes Squirrels Sick

Squirrels love to eat plants and bread crumbs. But there’s something in plants and bread called ‘cellulose’ that squirrels can’t break down on their own. Squirrels need bacteria to help them digest this cellulose. When they eat bread, the cellulose doesn’t break down well in their system, which can lead to blockage.

As a result, a diet high in cellulose can lead to digestive issues for squirrels. This is why squirrels typically consume a diet that is high in energy, like nuts and seeds, which are easier for them to digest.

squirrels will eat bread.

photo by Unspalsh

Feeding Bread To Squirrels

Lots of people enjoy feeding bread to the animals in their backyard. But it’s important to know if bread is good or bad for them. Some animals can get sick if they eat bread. Squirrels should not eat too much bread. They have tiny tummies and bread is hard for them to digest.

We looked into different types of bread to see if they could harm your furry little friends:

  • Raisin Bread (Remember, raisins are not good for squirrels)
  • Bread Crumbs
  • Wheat Bread
  • Garlic Bread
  • Whole Grain Bread
  • Banana Bread
  • Sourdough
  • Rye Bread

We’re not completely sure if all types of bread are bad for squirrels. But to keep our backyard squirrels healthy, we choose not to give them any bread. It’s always best to feed them food that we know is safe and healthy for them.

How Moldy Bread Can Harm Squirrels

Mold and mushrooms are both fungi. Fungi eat the stuff they grow on, like bread, by breaking it down and taking its good parts. Bread with mold on it has stuff that can make squirrels sick. Don’t feed squirrels and birds with bread that has fungus on it. It can make them very ill because of a bad germ called salmonella.

Do Grey Squirrels Eat Bread?

Grey squirrels are furry friends who live in our backyard. They munch on lots of stuff, but they really love food from plants. This food can be acorns, berries, hazelnuts, new plant shoots, buds, and even mushrooms.

Sometimes, when they can’t find enough plant food, they eat tree bark, bugs, small animals, eggs from birds, and even baby birds. You can help feed grey squirrels if you like. They enjoy food that’s made just for wild squirrels. You can place this food in tiny houses or feeders for them.

But remember, do grey squirrels eat bread? Yes, they do, but only a little. A small piece of bread, about the weight of only 10 grams or less each day, is enough. Grey squirrels will eat almost anything and they are usually fine. But if you give them bad food all the time, they can get sick or even die.

Can Baby Squirrels Eat Bread?

Baby squirrels need a special drink and milk to become healthy. You should not give baby squirrels any bread or food. They need a different kind of food until they are old enough. When they are old enough, you can still help them by putting some food in a place where they can find it.

Is It OK to Feed Squirrels Bread?

You can give bread to squirrels, but nuts are better for them. Some people think it is bad, some people think it is fine. Do not feed squirrels when you are outside. Squirrels may need people for food, so stop being scared of them. Then, they may bite people if they do not get food.

Why You Should Avoid Giving Bread to Squirrels

Squirrels are curious and always looking for food. They might even take a piece of bread from you or your garbage bin. But, is bread healthy for them? Not really. Bread doesn’t offer much nutrition for squirrels and could make them sick.

Here are some reasons why you should not feed bread to squirrels:

  • Bread is high in salt, which can damage the kidneys and other organs of squirrels.
  • Bread is high in cellulose, which is a type of fiber that squirrels cannot digest well. Cellulose can cause bloating, gas, and diarrhea in squirrels.
  • Bread is high in sugar, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay in squirrels.
  • Bread has no protein, vitamins, or minerals that squirrels need for their growth and health. Squirrels need a balanced diet of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables to stay healthy.

Therefore, it is better to avoid giving bread to squirrels and instead offer them natural foods that are suitable for their diet. This way, you can help them live longer and happier lives.

is bread healthy for squirrels


What Is The Best Food for Squirrels? 

Different squirrels like different foods. We give the grey ones corn, peanuts, veggies, nuts and more.

Squirrels mostly eat nuts. Some good nuts for them are white oak, beechnut, butternut, hazelnut, pecan, and walnut. Keep them in the shell and put them near the feeder. They will love it. We also have some wild food for our squirrels. They enjoy it and come to the feeders every day. It is good for them and does not harm their diet.

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To sum up, can squirrels eat bread crumbs? Yes, they can, but it is not recommended for their health. The high levels of sugar, salt, and carbohydrates found in bread can lead to health issues in squirrels. Bread lacks the essential nutrients that squirrels require. Squirrels should eat things like nuts, seeds, fruits, and veggies. You can give squirrels some healthy bread sometimes, but only if it is fresh and not rotten.


Can squirrels eat bread?

Squirrels can occasionally consume bread in small quantities, but it is nutritionally poor and potentially harmful due to high levels of carbohydrates, sugar, salt, and cellulose.

What kind of bread is best for squirrels?

Whole grain bread is best for squirrels due to its high fiber and nutrient content, but avoid bread with sugar, molasses, dextrose, or high-fructose corn syrup as they can harm squirrels’ health and teeth.

How much bread can I give to squirrels?

Occasionally, treat squirrels with a small piece of bread, not exceeding 10 grams per day, to avoid digestive issues and obesity.

Are there any toxic ingredients in bread for squirrels?

Excessive consumption of certain bread ingredients like chocolate chips, raisins, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, cheese, garlic, onion, mushrooms, and artificial sweeteners can be toxic or cause allergies in squirrels.

Do squirrels like bread?

Squirrels are fond of bread and will consume it if found, but they require a diet rich in nuts and seeds due to their inability to digest cellulose present in most plants.

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