
Do Squirrels Have Rabies

Squirrels are cute, little, furry animals that visit parks and backyards. Watching them play is a joyful sight because they are not harmful to the public. However, one might wonder, do squirrels have rabies? If they do, it could also be harmful to humans.

Like many other animals, squirrels can have rabies. But squirrels are not typical carriers of diseases, so the risk of getting rabies from squirrels is very low. 

In this article, we will discuss whether squirrels have rabies and how it could be harmful to humans.

Do Squirrels Have Rabies

It is quite uncommon, but squirrels can get rabies. They are typically brave and active, often playing around. If you notice a squirrel being more active than usual or fighting without any apparent reason, it could be a sign of rabies

A squirrel with rabies might appear more tired than usual and show less fear of things. When a squirrel isn’t moving its body parts properly, walks in a strange way, or acts very oddly, it may have rabies.

Can You Get Rabies From A Squirrel’s Scratch?

Rabies is a disease that spreads mainly through bites. However, if a squirrel with rabies scratches instead of biting, there is a chance of transmission. A normal scratch won’t typically cause rabies, but a deep scratch from a rabid squirrel could.

It is quite rare for squirrels to carry rabies, and it is even rarer for them to transmit it to humans. But when it comes to your pets, the risk is higher. If a rabid squirrel bites your pet, or if your pet cat chases and catches a sick squirrel, they could contract rabies. Therefore, it is very important to watch over your pets closely.

can squirrels have rabies

photo by Unsplash

How Can You Remove A Rabid Squirrel?

Don’t touch a squirrel that has rabies. These little guys can be dangerous when they’re sick. So, what’s the game plan? You should call specialist persons who have good experience in controlling wildlife. They will safely remove these rabid squirrels using their effective techniques. 

Here is a possible technique they might use: they’ll act like detectives and search for the number of squirrels living in your house. Next, they’ll install a door that only opens from the inside. It is like a club that only lets squirrels leave. Once they go out, they can’t come back in. 

Also, keep your garden free of squirrels by covering your plants and creating some obstacles on climbing walls. This way, squirrels will visit other places for snacks, and you can stay safe from rabid squirrels.

How to Safely Deal with Rabid Squirrels

If a squirrel gets into your place and you suspect it has rabies, remember that the disease can be transmitted through bites or scratches. Therefore, it is best for you to keep your distance. Call a wildlife expert to manage the situation; they will safely capture and remove any squirrels that may have rabies and could be dangerous to you.

How Do Squirrels Get Rabies?

If a squirrel meets a sick bat, raccoon, skunk, or fox, it could be a bad day for the squirrel. Any bites or scratches from these animals could cause rabies in that squirrel. 

However, not every squirrel will get rabies; it depends on their immune system. If a squirrel has a strong immune system, then it is less likely to contract rabies. It also depends on how much of the rabies germ is in the other animal’s saliva.

can baby squirrels have rabies

photo by Unsplash

What Happens To Squirrels With Rabies? 

A squirrel with rabies may begin to act strangely. It could become more aggressive and tired, and there’s a chance it could become paralyzed or have fits. You might notice it foaming at the mouth and having difficulty eating.

If you see a squirrel that may have rabies, try to stay away from it because if you get too close, you might catch the virus. So, it’s best to keep your distance and stay safe.

Preventing Rabies in Squirrels:

Vaccinate Squirrels: If a squirrel is vaccinated, then it can’t get rabies. The vaccine boosts the immune system to fight against the disease. So, anyone can keep squirrels rabies-free with the help of a vaccine. 

Control Numbers: To prevent squirrels from spreading rabies, relocate them to an area where they cannot transmit the disease. Controlling their numbers could also help in managing rabies. Population control can be achieved through sterilization.

Protect Your Space: To stop rabies from spreading, we need to prevent squirrels from hanging around. Don’t allow them to visit your place to keep it rabies-free. Keep your gardens clean and block all the entrance points where a squirrel may get in. In this way, you can keep squirrels and rabies out of your place.

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Do squirrels have rabies? Yes, they can, but it is very rare. The risk of transferring rabies to humans from squirrels is minimal. Transmission from squirrels, especially through scratches, can happen; therefore, it is advisable to stay away from rabid squirrels to prevent rabies. 

Effective management and prevention strategies, such as wildlife control and habitat modification, can reduce the risk of rabid squirrels.


Can baby squirrels have rabies?

Yes, baby squirrels can have rabies, but the chances of contracting rabies are low.

Can rodents have rabies?

Yes, rodents can have rabies; if they are infected, maintain a safe distance to protect yourself.

Do flying squirrels carry rabies?

Squirrels have many types; flying squirrels are one of them and do not carry rabies.

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